
This page provides the latest news and updates for Club Members from Club Meetings, as well as to provide information to the Membership from the Board of Directors.

#From the July 1, 2024 Club Meeting: Under Old Business: Thank you to all who came down and helped for the Junior Camp Perry warm-up we had on Sunday June 23rd! We had 6 kids come down to shoot. The Highpower Match on Saturday June 29th had to be cancelled due to rain. Those who came down cleaned up the inside of the club while trying to wait out the rain. The match is rescheduled for Saturday July 6th at 9am. All rifles must be SAFE ACT compliant! Wayne thanked everyone for helping with the Package Raffle. As of the start of the meeting, there were 773 tickets sold! There will be a Hunter Ed Class on August 18th. Students need to register and complete the homework online prior to the class. The Busti Historical Society Apple Festival volunteer signup was passed around. Please help! Gary spoke with NRA regarding the NRA Range Grant that was submitted on June 5th. He made sure they received the application and that they have the correct contact info on file. We should know in August if we are approved. Under New Business: There will be a Work Party on Saturday July 13th at 9am. Wayne is not sure what specifically will be done yet but he will find something to do! Thanks to all who helped last month! We lost Denny Cimo last month unexpectedly... this is been a very sad year for our club... He spent a lot of time down here and helped at many events. He too will be missed... There is old Junior equipment (jackets and mats) we're not using anymore. Please help yourself if you want anything, they're free. Please be sure to sign-in so you get credit for attending the meetings! Wayne gave a last call for Package Raffle tickets before the winners would be drawn. There will be a Clam Bake at the Randolph American Legion on August 10th from 1-5pm. Tickets are $30/each. Floyd drew the first winning ticket, then Bruce drew the 2nd one. The names of the two winners from the Package Raffle were announced and also listed on the front board. Wayne will be contacting them on Tuesday July 2nd. The final count of tickets sold was 776. Thanks again to all who helped and participated! Meeting was adjourned at 7:58pm. The next JRC Membership Meeting will take place on Monday, August 5th at 7:30pm.

#From the June 3, 2024 Club Meeting: Under Old Business: Harold Almquist, Ted Oakerlund and Tim Mara passed away recently... They were all instrumental in making our Club what it is today and we are forever grateful for their dedication. They will be missed... There was a Work Party on May 11th to finish up the Indoor Range. Thanks to all who helped! There was a sign-up sheet going around for the kitchen/gates for the Busti Historical Society Apple Festival. Please sign up, we need the help! A bunch of us will be getting together on Wednesday June 5th to complete a grant application for the NRA Range Grant for the drainage. We still have tickets for the Package Raffle to sell. Please see Dave or Wayne if you need more. Under New Business: Due to a scheduling conflict with the Apple Festival, Highpower at the end of September will be moved to the Sunday before. Sunday June 23rd will be a practice day for the crew going to Camp Perry. People who want to shoot are welcome to join us. Thanks again to all who helped at the May CMP Match! Wayne has received calls from parents with Juniors in Connecticut and by Philadelphia who are moving to the area and are interested in our Junior Program. We will run a New Junior Class after Labor Day again for them. Jen has also been in contact with Chaut Co 4H regarding affiliating the JJRC with the 4H Program for additional funding/liability coverage. Meeting was adjourned at 7:58pm. The next JRC Membership Meeting will take place on Monday, July 1st at 7:30pm.

#From the May 6, 2024 Club Meeting: Under Old Business: Anyone who got the Package Raffle tickets before the meeting, please see Dave Allen or Wayne Wedburg to get the accompanying letter to explain the packages. Help is needed at the Work Parties!! Thank you to all who are selling the Package Raffle tickets! Under New Business: We will be holding CMP Outdoor Smallbore Matches the weekend of Sat/Sun May 18th & 19th, with 3-Position on Saturday and Prone on Sunday. Both days will be fired on the 100yd Range. Volunteers are needed and will receive Work Party credit. Jen scheduled Highpower matches in the end of June, August and September. See her for more info. The CMP Club Affiliation is current for all who would like to use it for CMP surplus purposes. Members were reminded to please shut off the lights when you leave! We need people to help in the kitchen / at the gates for the upcoming Busti Apple Festival on Sat/Sun September 28th & 29th. Gary Babcock has been in contact with the NRA regarding the Range Grants; supposidly funds will be available this year. Wayne got a quote for drainage around the grounds. We would like to apply for the grant to help fund this. June 1st the grant will open up; we will know if we're approved in August. Wayne encouraged others to get quotes to compare. Meeting was adjourned at 7:58pm. The next JRC Membership Meeting will take place on Monday, June 3rd at 7:30pm.

#From the April 8, 2024 Club Meeting: Under Old Business: Charlie reported that he will be holding a Hunter Education Class on Saturday April 14th from 8am-5pm. Currently 5 students have signed up. A Work Party was held on Saturday March 9th; 4 attendees painted the Indoor Range and benches were cleaned. Under New Business: Dave will be holding the first .22 Benchrest match on Saturday May 4th at 2pm. The season will continue on the 1st Saturday of the month thru October 2024. Charlie reviewed the different packages from the Runnings Package Raffle. The drawing will be held at the July 1, 2024 Membership Meeting. The next Work Party will be held on Saturday April 13th at 9am to clean out the Indoor Range backstop. The next JRC Board Meeting will be moved to Tuesday April 23rd at 7pm due to the Chautauqua County Federation Dinner on the evening of Monday April 29th. Meeting was adjourned at 7:55pm. The next JRC Membership Meeting will take place on Monday, May 6th at 7:30pm.

#From the March 4, 2024 Club Meeting: Under Old Business: Wayne read the portion of the ByLaws in regard to the Memberships. He read the Life Membership proposal that the Board is endorsing/approved. Motion was made and 2nd to accept the Board's recommendation. Voting members present voted all in favor; no objections. Wayne has 7 different packages from Runnings for the Package Raffle. He may add a couple more. 1 winner will be pulled for every 300 tickets sold and winners will choose which package they want. Thank you to all who helped at the Work Party! Under New Business: There is another Work Party coming up on Saturday March 9th at 9am. The drainage pipe has been opened up a little bit out front by the 100yd line. Meeting was adjourned at 7:55pm. The next JRC Membership Meeting will take place on Monday, April 8th at 7:30pm.

#From the February 5, 2024 Club Meeting: Under Old Business: The Internal Audit was done and everything was accounted for. An NRA Jr. Sectional Match was run over the weekend of Sat/Sun Feb 3rd/4th. We didn't have anyone fire on Sunday the 4th. 20 competitors participated and this match ends the Junior Indoor Match Season. We're looking at holding an outdoor match the weekend of May 18th & 19th in preparation for Nationals. Not sure if will have a match in June or not. From a question from the floor, Wayne explained how/what the Club does at the Busti Historical Society Apple Festival. Under New Business: Charlie will be holding a Hunter Education Class on Sunday April 14th and Sunday August 18th from 8am-5pm. All students must do the pre-work prior to the class. Wayne went to Runnings to follow-up on the Package Raffle but our contact wasn't there; he will try to get in contact with them. He explained how the package raffle works and would like to sell the tickets from April-July, with the winner pulled in July 2024. There was discussion of cleaning up the backstop on the Indoor Range at the April 13th Work Party. Help is needed! The Board has been going over what to do regarding the Life Memberships. Wayne discussed a proposed resolution that was reviewed by the Board at the January 2024 Board Meeting. It was then opened up for discussion from the floor where the difference between dues vs. assessment was discussed. Time as a member after age 65 at the JRC and Carroll R&G were also discussed. The Board will go over the proposal and will bring it back to the membership at the March 2024 Membership Meeting. Meeting was adjourned at 8:12pm. The next JRC Membership Meeting will take place on Monday, March 4th at 7:30pm.

#From the January 8, 2024 Club Meeting: Happy New Year! Under Old Business: We have 1 new youth registered for the New Junior Class which Wayne will be running this Thursday, January 11th at 3pm. There will be a USA Shooting Junior Olympic Smallbore/Air Rifle Match which will be run on the Indoor Range on both Sat & Sun Jan 20th & 21st. There are relays being run from approx. 7am-7pm both days and volunteers who help out the Match Staff will receive Work Party credit toward their membership. The Club's participation in the 2023 Busti Historical Society Apple Festival went over very well; we will need more help so we can do it again this year. All Club members are reminded to make sure to close up and turn off all lights when you leave! Under New Business: Discussion took place regarding holding NRL .22 matches on the 100yd range this summer; if there is enough interest, Rob Culver said he will run them. There is also interest in having Jen run a full season of Highpower matches this year; she will put together a schedule and get it on the Club Calendar. Jen also asked for all of the Club's Leagues to get their dates for their 2024 Seasons to her ASAP so she can put them on the in-house and online Club Calendars and also give to Craig to promote on social media. There will be a Work Party held on Sat Jan 13th at 9am; there is paint still available if anyone wants to finish painting the Indoor Range. Meeting was adjourned at 7:53pm. The next JRC Membership Meeting will take place on Monday, February 5th at 7:30pm.